
account (Recruitment Number:1)
Monthly Salary Work Place guangzhou
Sex Preference Female Age Preference over 26
Job Nature Full-Time Work Experience over 1 years
Education required colleage or above Issuing date 2015-05-22
Position Requirements Dealing with all the company accounts,at least one year of accounting experience,better in shipping company
Send Out the Resume
Name: * Gender: Female Male*
Age: Marital Status: Unmarried Married
Household Registration: Highest Education Received:
School of Graduation: Major:
Tel No.: * Current Address:
E-mail: * Salary Expected:
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Tel: 020- 32207800/ 32204646  地址:广州市天河区车陂大岗路9号灏景大厦2012室Address:Rm2012,Haojing Building,No.9 Dagang Road,Chebei,Tianhe District,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China 
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